Take the NAVLE and VTNE on ME!

 Hey everyone! It is that time again where I get the privilege to cover the cost of the NAVLE exam and VTNE for a veterinary and technician student for the 2025 year! This year is the year for new beginnings! We all face many challenges and obstacles throughout our life. What we do during those times when we are challenged is the most important. We could easily throw in the towel, feel discouraged and give up. Or we can continue to press on and pursue our dreams!


This year the recipient’s will be individuals who received an unsatisfactory passing score on the NAVLE or VTNE. If this is something that you have currently experienced, please fill out the document below and submit to info@dogterecholsrelief.com. Last date for submission will be March 31, 2024.




Sophia Hernandez

VTNE 2024 Recipient 

Natasha Welch

NAVLE 2024 Recipient